Saturday, June 25, 2016

Couture Finishes

Ginny presented a wonderful hands-on session today on various finishes she uses. Each adds just the right couture and artful touch.

First up was the hand under-stitch, just right for the perfect rounded neckline. She used the Susan Khalje technique. Although it requires a little finesse, the results are just lovely.

Next up were bias tubes. Here Ginny applied the Ann Williamson technique. With the added Ginny-original touches, the results are perfect each time. She also showed us a very pretty way to finish the ends with waxed thread.

Speaking of waxed thread, that was Ginny's main take-away.

After a terrific Show 'N' Tell, Ginny shows us her fabulous method for making gorgeous Monk's cord. I have uploaded a video to drop box. Hope you can see it.

If the above link does not work, try this one.

And here are pictures from the rest of her presentation:

Note all the couture details: the pick stitch along the front and sleeve cuffs, as well as the hand-made monk's cord with embedded garnet beads.

Used for making monk's cord - an old-fashioned screw driver

Above and below: samples of hand-made monk's cord

Show and Tell:


  1. There is lots of beautiful work being done down Atlanta way! I've made twisted cord using one beater in an electric mixer but I think the hand drill Ginny uses would give more control. Regarding long bias tubes, if you leave an opening in the side rather than the end, you can slip stitch the opening close and have a nicely finished end.

  2. Just jacked off to the bottom pic
